Musical Action Stations is a dance game with extra physical actions. Great for burning off energy!

This active game is a twist on the classic children’s party game ‘Musical Statues’. Use the free printable action cards to make stations on the floor. Dance to the music and when it stops, find a card, turn it over and do the action until the music starts again. Musical Action Stations is part physical work out, part game. It’s a fun way to burn off some energy on days when it’s hard to get outside.

Stuff Needed:
  • Printed Action Cards (click here to download). You could laminate them for multiple uses.
  • Music to dance to that can be started and stopped easily.
  • A game leader to start and stop the music.
  1. Print the Action Cards (Use the link above). Each card is a full page. If you want smaller cards, set your printer to print two to a page. If you’ve played a few times you could make your own to add in or to vary the difficulty. There are eight cards in the printable set. If you have more players, either make a couple more cards, allow two people per station, or add in a couple of blank cards for a rest.

  1. If you have young participants, go through the cards first and demonstrate the actions on each one so they know what each card means (the cards have pictures as well as words). Explain the game.

  1. Place the Action Cards face down on the floor, spread around the space.
Create Musical Action Stations by placing the cards face down on the floor, spread out.
  1. Play music and encourage everyone to dance around without stepping on the cards.
  1. Stop the music. Each participant should find a card, turn it over and do the action written on it until the music starts again.
Each Action Card has a description and a picture. Do the action until the music starts again.
  1. Play the music. Everyone should turn their card over again before they start dancing. You may want to move the cards around so participants don’t fight over their favourite!

  1. Keep playing until everyone’s suitably worn out.