The aim of the Picture Match is to encourage movement around the house and have fun with a hunt. This hunt is fairly quick to set up and can be played again if you keep the pictures. An easy type of treasure hunt that is perfect for indoors.

If, instead, you’re looking for a picture treasure hunt, which uses pictures as ‘clues’ like an easy version of a written treasure hunt, click here.

Stuff needed:
  • Lots of pictures that can be cut up (old birthday cards work well, or pictures cut from a magazine or old photographs. If you don’t have any, draw some!).
  • One pair of scissors.
  1. Cut each picture into two. Try to make sure there is an identifiable part of the picture on each piece and make the cuts different (wiggly / shaped).
  2. Hide one half of each picture somewhere in the house.
  3. Give each participant half of a picture to go and try to find the other half. If they find a bit that doesn’t match the piece they have, they must leave it where it is.
  4. When a correct match has been made, the participant may take another piece and look again. Continue until all the pieces are complete.
  5. If participants want to play again, nominate one person to hide the first halves. Be specific about where in the house is okay to hide them and remind them to try to remember where they put them!
To make it harder

Hide the pieces in harder places.

It is possible to cut the pictures into more pieces (like a jigsaw puzzle) and hide them separately to make a harder picture match hunt, but it can be quite hard to identify whether the piece you’ve found matches or not, unless the pictures are very different in colour.